foozle vt foo-zled; foo-zling (1892): to manage or play awkwardly; a bungling golf stroke

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Indoor Golf

My 2-year old woke up yesterday morning and all she wanted to do was play golf. She carried her putter around the house all the while saying "let's play golf" or "let's go to the golf course, daddy" or "let's put our golf clothes on". It was enough to make my heart flutter but the problem is that it was only 4 degrees fahrenheit outside yesterday (and it has since cooled off even farther to a balmy -8 degrees this morning) and the ground was covered with snow.
Not wanting to waste such precious desires on the part of my daughter, I tried to find an indoor putt-putt place to take her in these fair Twin Cities but ultimately only came up with the practice putting green at the local Golfsmith store. We had a blast but I couldn't help but feel a little cheap for not buying anything and a lot nostalgic for the days when we could see real green grass under our feet as we practiced our putting together. A couple more months and maybe we'll be back on the links. I sure hope so.

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