foozle vt foo-zled; foo-zling (1892): to manage or play awkwardly; a bungling golf stroke

Monday, June 2, 2008

Why Is The Champions Tour So Boring?

Seriously, why is the Champions Tour so boring to watch on TV? It's like watching the LPGA if you ask me, only substitute over-the-hill guys for the good looking ladies. I like Jay Haas, I like Fulton Allem, I like D. A. Weibring, I like Fuzzy Zoeller, I like Lanny Wadkins but that's about it. Brad Bryant? Boring. Morris Hatalsky? Please. Allen Doyle? I can't even look at the guy's swing without getting sick to my stomach. Maybe if they'd just call it the Senior Tour again I might get more excited about it but I doubt it. Maybe if they'd play cool, older courses that the length of today's PGA Tour pros have rendered obsolete (see Merion, Seminole, Cypress Point, etc.) I might get excited...but I doubt it. Put it out to pasture, I say. It's just a glorified "Hit And Giggle" that for some reason keeps getting put on television.

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