So here we are, two weeks deep in 2011 and golf continues to seem like its months and months away. The Tour starting up in Hawai'i has jump-started the interest meter at my house, but I'm still feeling like a long, lost friend of the game right now. Not the active and ardent participant that I'm used to feeling like. I got some sweet new Footjoy Icon golf shoes for my birthday/Christmas and I've been debating whether I should start breaking them in around the house? That might get my juices flowing a bit. But I'm sure I'd get scolded if I walked on the new carpet with them on, so I keep trying to not get too excited about them. They are beauties though, aren't they? I might be playing a round or two in Florida the first week of March, so I've kind of had that in the back of my mind as to when I should be ready to fire up the ole' game again. But then again, maybe that won't ever materialize and I'll be left waiting for early April to debut this year's game. I'm working out 5 days a week, light weight-training and running, so that my body will (hopefully) be loose and limber and ready to go come springtime. Let's just hope I haven't lost all my touch on and around the greens--that's where I make my money, after all. Don't we all?